Electronic Bank Transfer Information Page
Kids' Camp etransfer email is [email protected] (use question <what church> answer <pentecostal>)
Family camp: etransfer to Silver Birches Camp using [email protected] (use question <sideroad> answer <rosegrove>)
If desired, include contact info and donation reason, for example "Rob Cox, 555-555-5555, Family camp registration"
If more info needed, you will be contacted so include at least your phone number
If you have any problems, contact the camp Administrator, Ann Hagan: [email protected]
Family camp: etransfer to Silver Birches Camp using [email protected] (use question <sideroad> answer <rosegrove>)
If desired, include contact info and donation reason, for example "Rob Cox, 555-555-5555, Family camp registration"
If more info needed, you will be contacted so include at least your phone number
If you have any problems, contact the camp Administrator, Ann Hagan: [email protected]